Be Mindful- Creativity in the Workplace
March 21, 2008


Originally uploaded by ceceliastewart

Traditionally the final product of advertising has been produced as a compilation of separate components, piece-by-piece. The result is a divided product—because the process is inherently divided. This is partially due to the varied set of people, their skills and the processes need to produce an advertising campaign.

The upside—very specialized subsets of advertising allow for quality work within their field. The downside—an industry detrimentally fractured into departments, seniority and job titles.

With the emergence of the internet and all things digital, the lines between creative, planning and media departments have blurred. And the need for integration of talents is not only possible but necessary for success in these uncharted waters. As the waters become more and more trafficked, as seen in the proliferation of information, entertainment and advertising, clutter becomes a mind numbing force again the consumer—another call for intellectual innovation.

The more involved businesses become with the internet and the more distant and fractured the masses become, the more necessary problem solving (i.e. creativity) becomes. David Armano, VP of ExperienceDesign with Critical Mass, says that a creative mind dose not divide the marketing, advertising, technological and consumer behavior it is “capable of creating customer experiences which provide competitive advantage in a fast moving world where customers are increasingly calling the shots.” He visually depicts how the traditional view of what makes someone “creative” is limited and limiting. His view of a creative mind incorporates a very holistic set of skills all necessary in the business process.

View of the Creative Mind
-Karen Brooks